• Seminar

Detail of webinar for “Creating an English distributorship agreement”

This webinar session will be held on Friday, 30th September from 18:00 Japan-time. More details can be found below, including details for registering, and the dates/topics for future webinars.
If you are interested to join, please feel free to contact us.

About the webinar

Date Friday,30th September PM 6:00 – 7:30 (JST)
Language Japanese
Fee Free of charge
Register E-mail : info@kslaw.jp


Creating an English distributorship agreement

When selling a Japanese company’s products overseas, appointing a local vendor as a sales agent and having them sell the Japanese company’s products is an extremely powerful method. By effectively utilizing a sales agent, you can significantly increase your company’s sales.

On the other hand, if you are not careful in your arrangements with distributors, you may lose the benefits you should have gained or have disputes over the termination of the contract.

In this seminar, we would like to discuss the points to be considered when drafting English-language distributorship agreements with overseas companies, such as granting exclusivity to a limited number of regions and industries, agreements regarding minimum purchase volume, how to determine distributor commissions, and agreements regarding termination of distributorship agreements.

This seminar is open to everyone, so please register if you are interested in drafting an English-language contract. We will send you the URL to join the ZOOM conference.

We hope many people who are interested in this seminar and creating an English agreement will join this seminar.

If there is anything else Kuribayashi Sogo Law Office can support with at this time, please let us know. We look forward to welcoming you.